Planned Parenthood: Babies Alive: 7998; Babies Aborted 332,278

The numbers tell the story: Planned Parenthood does 165 abortions for every one woman who receives pre-natal care at their clinics. They do 1,186 abortions for every one woman they refer for adoption. These are the facts from their just released 2009 report. The results are clear—when taxpayers fund Planned Parenthood, babies lose their lives!

Take a look at the numbers!
Pregnancy tests: 1,158,924
Abortions: 332,278
Prenatal Care Clients: 7,021
Adoption referrals: 977
In addition Planned Parenthood provided contraception services for 2,327,662 clients.
“Emergency Contraception Kits” were supplied to 1,537,180.

How should the Church respond to the ugly truth these numbers reveal? Planned Parenthood claims to be an organization that is looking out for the health of women, but recent videos have revealed their failure to protect minors from sexual abuse. They have failed to inform women of the risks of abortion and have given false information about the development of the baby in the woman's womb.
Obviously we ought to stand up, speak out, and call our Senators. Our government should stop funding Planned Parenthood. There are many other medical facilities that offer BOTH the health care that women need and health and LIFE for their babies!

There is another more powerful response that the Church can make and that is to tap into the power of God through prayer. 40 Days for Life is an organization built around prayer, fasting, and vigil outside abortion clinics including those of Planned Parenthood. The next campaign begins on Ash Wednesday, March 9.
I’ve signed up for a 4-hour vigil in my city. It really is the least I can do. I will also be praying and fasting from certain foods during the 40 day period. I will cry out to God to end abortion in our nation and in the world. I hope you will join me! Go to the 40 Days for Life website and click on your city to find out how to sign up to pray and keep vigil.
Jesus said we should let the little ones come to him. Surely we can find the time to ask God to preserve their lives!


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